Black Garlic Experiments

Here you can read about my black garlic experiments, I am always looking at things in my kitchen and the store thinking “can I make black garlic with that?”.

*Regular * Prickly Pear * Tequila* Louisiana Hot Sauce * *Sriracha * Chocolate * Beer * Sweet and Sour Sauce* *Honey/Prickly Pear * Sprite * Dill Pickle*

What to try and make some? This is the cooker I use:

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This is just plain old black garlic, It is good and worth trying. I do not make it much anymore because I am doing something new and don’t have room.

I really liked the regular black garlic but I knew I could do more with it. I searched Google for other ways to make it but came up with nothing, so I had to wing it. Being a fan of Prickly Pear tea, jam, syrup, etc…(and also having a big jug of it on hand) it was my first thought when deciding what to mix with it. You can see the difference in the outer color, the prickly pear is much darker and has a shine to it. While I could see and taste a difference I was not satisfied. For the next next batch I adjusted my process and got the garlic to absorb more of the flavoring and color.

After a few tries I finally figured out how to do this right, as you can see the cloves themselves were a different color, and before I put them in the cooker I could see purple under the garlic skin.

The natural next step was something spicy and I had a big thing of Sriracha. My first attempt at a spicy version was before I had perfected the pre-cook process so it wasn’t as good as it could been but people still liked it. It was not spicy like plain Sriracha, but kind of tickled your tongue like spicy things do with a hint of the Sriracha flavor.